Kylie joined Grandma & Papa on their trip to southern Kentucky to see Uncle Mark & Connor at the absolute last minute as they were leaving our house from celebrating Christmas. It didn't take more than a second for Kylie to tell Papa "YES"! she wanted to go when he brought up she could come along on the trip! Despite a 1 1/2 hour delay due to an accident on I65, on top of the 5 hour drive down, Kylie's excitement was still going strong as I talked to her on the phone when she was about 15 minutes from arriving at Uncle Mark's place.
Mommy, Daddy, Peyton & Sparkles really miss you sweetie, but we know you were missing Connor so so much and are sure to be having a fantastic time with him! Enjoy the next few days and I hope Connor liked his Christmas presents from us that you were such a great helper in picking out with Mommy!
We can't wait to see you on Friday- have lots of fun at the New Year's Eve party tomorrow night and we'll be thinking of you as we ring in 2010!