As most of you know, yesterday was my 33rd birthday. Thanks so much to all that sent me birthday wishes! Turning 33 felt ok, so did 32. But my 31st birthday was a different story. I clearly remember having a bad case of the "I'm not so young anymore" blues after that one. For a lot of folks turning 30 is one of those points in life to reflect on where you're at, where you've been and maybe where the heck you should be if you don't like what the answers are to the 2 former questions. But I didn't experience any of that until March 14, 2006 - when I had reached the top of the 30 hill and teetered over to the other side that leads to 40, 50, 60, 70...
But 33 is good. Really can't complain. My life feels pretty full at this point - not exactly complete, but full. Not sure what's missing- maybe something having to do with what I want to do when I grow up or maybe it's that I haven't left my mark in all the ways that I eventually hope to...
It's funny the paths our lives take. I was always the one "never having kids". Who would've guessed that by age 33, I would have 2 little peanuts, have been married for going on 7 years, have an actual career and house in the burbs complete with dog- but I stop at the white picket fence! I guess I am starting to feel grown up and I'm really ok when the "I'm not so young anymore" feeling hits now. Instead of thinking how fast time has passed it's time to cherish the present and focus on what the next exciting chapters have in store. And with that, these 33 year old eyes need some sleep...I have 364 more days until I need to evaluate this birthday thing again!
1 comment:
Happy Belated Birthday to my dearest friend! What happened to 18? Wait, have I known you THAT LONG? Geez, you're old.
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