It was an exciting morning as Kylie had to be ready at the bus stop to be picked up at 8:45. Peyton & Mommy walked her to the stop at the end of our street and we were happy to find several other friends and their parents there too- we had made it to the right place! A few minutes later the school bus arrived and after letting all of the other friends climb on first & a good luck hug from Peyton, off went our baby to her very 1st day of Kindergarten! I'm not sure if I was just too nervous or just plain excited for Kylie because I managed to hold it together. I surprised myself since I was a blubbering mess just driving by parents with their kids getting on the buses the day before!
As Peyton and I walked home she kept saying "uh-oh" because sissy wasn't with us. We had a good day playing and doing things at home together but my mind was never far from wandering to how our little girl was doing handling such a big girl day! No need to fear Mommy. At 4:00 there was Kylie bounding down the steps of the school bus with a smile from ear to ear! She had had a fantastic 1st day of school and couldn't wait to tell us all about it. So that's just what we did as soon as we got home- over the classic after school snack- milk & cookies :).
1 comment:
The first picture looks like a future cheerleader pose!!!!! Go Kylie!!
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