Monday, May 17, 2010

Brooks Family Fun Night!

Hard to believe, but this month wraps up the school year for Kylie. That means lots of end of year events and activities! Last Thursday was Brooks Family Fun Night at the school. It was a night of cake walks, craft centers, face paintings, pizza, dancing, and raffles! It was a nice social event to see other families and friends and it gave Grandma and Papa the chance to attend an event at Kylie's school too! Although we weren't the big winners of one of the prizes in the basket raffle, the one I created with the donations for Kylie's class was well received and was filled with fantastic treats for whoever the lucky winner was!

It certainly was a family fun night for all!

Kylie showing us her rock climbing skills on the rock wall in her gym!

Our future Brooks Tiger!

My creation of donations!

Daddy, Grandma and crazy Papa enjoying the night!

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