Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy 4 Month Birthday Peyton!

Today was Peyton's 4 month birthday. So much has happened already in the first few months since her arrival to us! She has celebrated many first holidays- Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day and tomorrow will be her first St. Patty's Day (of course I have her outfit laid out and all ready to go for tomorrow morning, a green "Kiss me I'm Irish" onesie complements of Grandma B.- thanks Grandma!). And then there's Easter right around the corner...WHEW!...that's a lot of celebrating for such a little gal!

Along with all of the special memories that come with her first holidays, Peyton has already experienced so many more exciting firsts- first smiles, first time rolling over, first tooth, first time touching her toes, first time eating rice cereal, first time "playing" with really is unbelievable at only 4 months today! All signs point to an early walker too as she couldn't be more happy than when she is being held standing up on our laps- she stands so straight and steady as if she really would start walking if we took our hands away. That and I think she's already anxious to keep up with Kylie who NEVER stops moving!

Grandma and Papa Buczkowski spent the weekend with us so Peyton had an even bigger audience on this special day to perform all of her latest tricks- rolling over and back over and over again, talking (more like screeching) up a storm at her Rainforest animal mobile while swinging and doing her what we thought a week ago or so to be blowing raspberries but it's definitely more along the lines of beatboxing (Blake Lewis style for all of you American Idol fans) or just spitting at us to put it bluntly :).

Peyton had a great day making her first trip to visit the Easter Bunny at the mall, watching tv and chewing her toys as we all had lunch at Boston Blackie's, meeting some of our neighbors for the first time as everyone was outside today enjoying the sunshine and fairly "warm" temps and wrapping up the afternoon with a kiss on the forehead from Grandma B. before she and Papa headed home when dozing off in Mommy's arms after returning home from her fun filled day.

Happy 4 month birthday Peyton- we can't wait to watch you learn and grow so much more in the months to come!

1 comment:

Ty's Mommy said...

Happy 4 month birthday Peyton! Maybe by the time you are 4 years old, we will see you in person-- Tyler said "oh, look at the wittle baby, she's soooo cute!" Watch out Lisa and Pete, he is a flirt!