Saturday, April 5, 2008


I think Kylie's favorite day of the week has to be Saturday- with Friday coming in a close second as it's the day before Saturday and it's movie day and Gym Stars at school. All week she knows when it's coming until finally when we pick her up from school on Friday we can say that YES tomorrow is Saturday (aka "stay home day").

Not that we ever do much out of the ordinary, it's just a day when we are typically not rushing around to be anywhere! We try to make the most out of weekends together since things are so busy during the week and in the evenings getting ready for the next day.

With a high of 63 forecasted for today, we knew being outside had to be part of the day's plan. So for us today was:

Saturday morning INSIDE to get some things done,
Saturday afternoon OUTSIDE to have some fun fun fun!

The photos above share some of the inside and outside activities of the day.

Photo 1:
1 BIG roll of paper...$3
1 bucket of foam shapes...$5
1 bottle of glue...$1
At least a half hour of entertainment for Kylie...Priceless :)

Photo 2:
So once the attraction of spilling glue all over paper was over, Kylie moved on to another of her favorite things to do- playing on the computer. She really is playing a game, Pete doesn't have her doing spreadsheets...yet :)

Photo 3:
Peyton looking like she is pretending to be asleep once we got to the park down the street in our neighborhood. Maybe she was nervous we were going to put her on a swing or down a slide?! She wasn't pretending- it didn't take her long to drift off once we started on our way. Hmmm...maybe we need to take up camping or a nighttime activity outdoors and our sleepless nights would be over :)!

Photos 4 & 5:
Kylie having a great time at the neighborhood playground. These are the G-rated shots. I wasn't quick enough on the trigger to snap one of Kylie flying off the swing when she let go with both hands pretending she was Peter Pan, Dumbo or all of the above. But don't worry, Kylie is fine- not even a scratch. Sometimes I think a toddler body is made out of armor or something!

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